- Administration
- Council
- Curricula Board
- Chair of Animal Breeding and Biotechnology (VL TN)
- Chair of Animal Nutrition (VL ST)
- Chair of Aquaculture (VL VI)
- Chair of Clinical Veterinary Medicine (VL KM)
- >> Animal Clinic
- >> Pharmacy
- Chair of Food Science and Technology (VL TQ)
- Chair of Veterinary Biomedicine and Food Hygiene (VL VB)
- >>Food Hygiene and Safety Division
- Approval decision 2019
- European Association of Establishments for Veterinary Education RE-VISITATION REPORT to The Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Sciences, Estonian University of Life Sciences, Tartu. On 06 – 08 November 2019.
Elias, T., Roasto, M. Tapale suunatavate loomade ja lindude puhtus (Cleanliness of Animals and Birds Sent for Slaughter). 2023. Eesti Maaülikool. 78 lk. ISBN 978-9916-719-46-6 (pdf). In Estonian language.
Ringo, K.; Laikoja, K. 2023. Nõuded toitu käitlevale mikroettevõttele. (Requirements for a Food Handling Micro Enterprise) 28 lk. ISBN 978-9916-4-2226-7 (pdf). In Estonian language.
Roasto, M., Laikoja, K., Peetsmann, E., Luik, A. 2023. Ready-to-implement manuals with practical solutions on food safety: HACCP Plan for pasteurized apple juice (organic product), Erasmus+, SAFE-ORGfood. Pp. 1-32.
Mäesaar, M., Roasto, M. Patogeeni(de) algallikate väljaselgitamine toidukäitlemise ettevõttes (Identifying the Primary Sources of the Pathogen(s) in the Food Processing Establishment). 2022. Eesti Maaülikool. 28 lk., ISBN 978-9916-669-85-3 (pdf). In Estonian language.
Soidla, R., Anton, D. 2022. Puuvilja-, köögivilja-, marja- ning seenekonservide ohutu tootmine (Safe Production of Fruit, Vegetable, Berry and Mushroom Preserves). 39 lk, ISBN 978-9916-669-88-4, ISBN 978-9916-669-89-1 (pdf). In Estonian language.
Soidla, R., Anton, D. Põllumajandusloomade pidamine, transport ja tapmine (Farm Animal Husbandry, Transport and Slaughter). Tartu, 2021. ISBN 978-9916-669-00-6 Ptk 5 ja 6, lk 79 – 177. In Estonian language.
Soidla, R., Anton, D. 2021. Konservide ohutu tootmine (Safe production of canned foods). 39 lk., ISBN 978-9916-669-18-1 (pdf); ISBN 978-9916-669-19-8. In Estonian language.
Roasto, M. Biokirmed toidutootmise keskkonnas (Biofilms in Food Production Environment). 2021. Eesti Maaülikool. 21 lk., ISBN 978-9916-669-14-3 (pdf). In Estonian language.
Püssa, T. Toidu keemilised ohud (Food Chemical Hazards). Eesti Maaülikooli toiduhügieeni ja rahvatervise õppetool. 2020. 24 lk. ISBN 978-9949-698-37-0. In Estonian language.
Laikoja, K., Roasto, M. Toidu säilimisaja määramine, III osa. Toidu säilitamisnõuded toidugruppide kaupa (Food Storage Requirements by Food Group). Eesti Maaülikooli toiduhügieeni ja rahvatervise õppetool. 2020. 16 lk. ISBN 978-9949-698-65-3 (pdf). In Estonian language.
Roasto, M., Laikoja, K. Toidu säilimisaja määramine (Determination of the Shelf Life of Food, Part II), II osa (Improved edition). Microbiological parameters for food groups. Eesti Maaülikooli toiduhügieeni ja rahvatervise õppetool. 2020. 42 lk. ISBN 978-9949-698-52-3 (pdf, web publication). In Estonian language.
Roasto, M. Olulised toidupatogeenid (Essential Foodborne Pathogens: importance, growth parameters, control). 2019. 22 lk. Eesti Maaülikool. Vali Press OÜ. ISBN 978-9949-629-96-1. In Estonian language.
Roasto, M., Laikoja, K. Toidu säilimisaja määramine, I osa (täiendatud ja parandatud väljaanne) (Determination of the Shelf Life of Food, Part I; Improved edition). 2019. Eesti Maaülikooli toiduhügieeni ja rahvatervise õppetool. ISBN 978-9949-698-73-8 (pdf). In Estonian language.
Poikalainen, V.; Tatar, V.; Laikoja, K.; Traksmaa, A.; Laos, K.; Lepasalu, L.;.Soidla, R.; Andreson, H.; Veri, K.; Mahla, T. 2018. Toiduainete tehnoloogia: kõrgkooliõpik. (Technology of Food Products. Study book. Tartu, Eesti Maaülikool. 732 lk. ISBN 978-9949-88-432-2. In Estonian language.
Pitsi, T., Zilmer, M., Vaask, S., Nurk, E., Kuu, S., Maser, M., Lõhmus, K., Ehala-Aleksejev, K., Raukas, R., Sooba, E, Villa, I, Parts, L., Lindsaar, M., Sammel, A., Radin, M., Einberg, O., Simm-Pärle, P., Lamp, H., Hiis, T., Rajasalu, P. …, Raudsepp, P., ... Potisepp, S. 2017. Eesti toitumis- ja liikumissoovitused 2017. Tallinn. ISBN 978-9949-461-77-6 (pdf). In Estonian language.
Roasto, M., Hörman, A., Meremäe, K., Kramarenko, T., Mäesaar, M. Campylobacter spp., Listeria monocytogenesʼ e ja Shiga-toksiine tootva Escherichia coliʼ ga seonduvate toiduohutuse riskide hindamine Eestis (Food safety risk assessment of Campylobacter spp., Listeria monocytogenes and Shiga-toxin producing Escherichia coli in Estonian food chain). Eesti Maaülikool, Veterinaarmeditsiini ja Loomakasvatuse instituut, Toiduhügieeni osakond. 2015. 175 lk. ISBN: 978-9949-536-72-6. In Estonian language.
Roasto, M., Breivel, M., Dreimann, P. "Toiduainetööstuse tootmishügieen" (Production Hygiene of Food Enterprises, text book). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool, Halo Kirjastus. 2011. 392 lk. ISBN 978-9949-429-27-1. In Estonian language.
Soidla, Riina; Anton, Dea; Lepasalu, Lembit; Veri, Kristiina; Mootse, Hannes 2010. Tapasaadused. Loomsed kõrvalsaadused. Tartu: Halo Kirjastus, ISBN 978-9949-429-23-3. In Estonian language.
Soidla, Riina; Anton, Dea; Lepasalu, Lembit; Veri, Kristiina. 2009. Tapaloomade vedu ja algtöötlemine. Tartu: Halo Kirjastus. ISBN 978-9949-429-21-9. In Estonian language.
Kikas, A., Libek, A.-V., Kelt, K., Raudsepp, P., Kahu, K., Vahenõmm, K., Pennar, M. 2008. Musta sõstra kasvatus. Eesti Maaülikool - Tartu: Eesti Loodusfoto. ISBN: 978-9985-830-88-8 in Estonian language.
Roasto, M. Toiduhügieen ja –ohutus (Food Hygiene and Safety in Poultry Management, chapter in text book). Õpikus "Lindude tervishoid ja haigused". Peatoimetaja Toomas Tiirats. Tartu. Halo Kirjastus. 2006. 294‑303. ISBN-13: 978‑9985-9724-8-9; ISBN-10: 9985-9724-8-1 (in Estonian). In Estonian language.
Roasto, M., Juhkam, K., Tamme, T. "Valdkondi toiduteaduses" (Essentials of Food Science, text book). Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool, Halo Kirjastus. 2006. 190 lk. ISBN 9985-9724-0-6. In Estonian language.
Roasto, M., Tamme, T., Juhkam K. "Toiduhügieen ja ohutus" (Food Hygiene and Safety, text book) Teine, parandatud ja täiendatud trükk. Tartu: Eesti Maaülikool, 2006. 151 lk. ISBN 9985-9582-0-9. In Estonian language.
Püssa, T. Toidutoksikoloogia (Food Toxicology). Tartu. Halo Kirjastus. 2005. 312 lk. 9985-9611-2-9. In Estonian language.
Lillenberg, M., Järvis, T. Toidutekkelised parasitaar- ja viirushaigused (Foodborne Viruses and Parasitic Diseases). Tartu. Halo Kirjastus. 2005. 91 lk. ISBN: 9985-9611-4-5. In Estonian language.
Kiis, A., Mahla, T. Piimatöötlemise protsessid ja aparaadid (Milk Processing Processes and Apparatus). Tartu. Halo Kirjastus. 2004. 186 lk. ISBN: 9985-9553-8-2. In Estonian language.
Roasto, M., Tamme, T., Juhkam K. "Toiduhügieen ja ohutus" (Food Hygiene and Safety, text book). Tartu: Eesti Põllumajandusülikool, Halo Kirjastus, 2004. 237 lk. ISBN 9985-9582-0-9. In Estonian language.
Peer-reviewed research monographs published by international publishers
Püssa, T., Principles of Food Toxicology, 2nd Edition. 2014. Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton,
London, New York, 415 p., ISBN: 9781466504103.
Püssa, T., Principles of Food Toxicology. 2008. Taylor&Francis, Boca Raton, London, New
York, 321 p., ISBN-13: 978-0-8493-8090-7, ISBN-10: 0-8493-8090-1.
Chapters in books published by the international publishers
Laikoja, K. 2022. Prerequisite programs (PRPs) in food safety management system. In: Ursula Bordewick-Dell (Ed.). Handbook: Transnational Quality Education for Organic Food Safety: Hazard prevention, risk assessment and practical advice/recommendations by experts for educational purpose. Erasmus+ SAFE-ORGfood. Pp 10-14
Roasto, M. 2022. Biological hazards in food. In: Ursula Bordewick-Dell (Ed.). Handbook: Transnational Quality Education for Organic Food Safety: Hazard prevention, risk assessment and practical advice/recommendations by experts for educational purpose. Erasmus+ SAFE-ORGfood. Pp. 1-3.
Rossi, M., Olkkola, S., Roasto, M., Kivistö, R., Hänninen, M-L. Antimicrobial resistance and Campylobacter jejuni and C. coli. In Chen C-Y, Yan X, Jackson CR, editors, Antimicrobial Resistance and Food Safety: Methods and Techniques. London, UK: Elsevier Academic Press. 2015. p. 55-75.
Püssa, T. 2015. Nutritional and toxicological aspects of the chemical changes of food components and nutrients during freezing. In: Peter Chi Keung Cheung, Bhavbhuti M. Mehta (Ed.). Handbook of Food Chemistry (p. 1−23). Berlin Heidelberg: Springer-Verlag Berlin, ISBN 978-3-642-41609-5 (Online), ISBN 978-3-642-36604-8 (Print).
Jalakas, S., Elias, T., Roasto, M. From Farm to Slaughterhouse. 2014. In: Thimjos Ninios, Janne Lunden, Hannu Korkeala and Maria Fredriksson-Ahomaa (Eds. Meat Inspection and Control in the Slaughterhouse. Wiley-Blackwell, ISBN-13: 978-1118525869, ISBN-10: 1118525868. pp. 5-17.
Roasto, M., Hörman, A., Hänninen, M-L. 2012. Food-borne Pathogens and Public Health, In: Leif Norrgren and Jeffrey Levengood (Eds.), Ecology and Animal Health, Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Agriculture 2. Baltic University Project, Uppsala University, pp. 271-282, ISBN 978-91-86189-12-9.
Hörman, A., Roasto, M., Hänninen, M-L. 2012. Drinking Water, In: Leif Norrgren and Jeffrey Levengood (Eds.), Ecology and Animal Health, Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Agriculture 2. Baltic University Project, Uppsala University, pp. 283-295, ISBN 978-91-86189-12-9.
Hörman, A., Roasto, M., Hänninen, M-L. 2012. Bioterrorism and Intentional Contamination of Drinking Water, In: Leif Norrgren and Jeffrey Levengood (Eds.), Ecology and Animal Health, Ecosystem Health and Sustainable Agriculture 2. Baltic University Project, Uppsala University, pp. 306-307, ISBN 978-91-86189-12-9.
Püssa, T., (2012). Chapter 19. Analysis of natural toxins in foods, In: S. Ötles (Ed)., Methods of Analysis of Food Components and Additives, 2nd Edition, pp. 473-513, Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, London, New York, ISBN 978-1-4398-1552-6.
Mikelsaar, A.-V., Sünter, A., Toomik, P., Karpson, K., Juronen, E. 2012. Development of new monoclonal antibodies for immunocytochemical characterization of neural stem and differentiated cells. In: Tao Sun (Ed)., Neural stem cells and therapy, pp. 93 - 118. INTECH Open Access Publisher, ISBN 978-953-305-958-5
Tamme, T., Reinik, M., Roasto, M. 2009. Nitrates and Nitrites in Vegetables: Occurence and Health Risks. In: Ronald Ross Watson and Victor R. Preedy (Eds.). Bioactive Foods in Promoting Health: Fruits and Vegetables. Elsevier. pp. 307-321.
Reinik, M., Tamme, T., Roasto, M. 2008. Naturally occurring nitrates and nitrites in food, In: J. Gilbert and H. Senyuva (Eds.), Bioactive compounds in foods – Natural toxicants and heat processing contaminants. Blackwell Publishing Ltd, London, United Kingdom. pp. 227-253, ISBN-13: 978-1-4051-5875-6, ISBN-10: 1-4051-5875-1.