Error: Disk full (/tmp/#sql_1e4705_0.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device")
Query: SELECT e.*,tt.startDate,tt.endDate, tt.doorsOpen FROM cms_mod_calendar_event e,cms_mod_calendar_event_timetable tt,cms_mod_calendar_group_event ge,cms_mod_calendar_group g WHERE IN ("10") and (tt.startDate < "2021-01-29 10:00:00" OR (tt.startDate = "2021-01-29 10:00:00" AND<"3863")) and tt.eventID = AND ge.eventID = and ge.groupID = AND (g.siteID="11" OR (g.siteID!="11" AND e.isPrivate="0" AND g.isGlobal="1")) AND g.deleted="0" AND e.deleted ="0" and e.hidden="0" AND != "3863" ORDER BY tt.startDate DESC, DESC limit 1
Location: /data/home/emuweb/www/module/calendar/calendarFull.php:Line 68
Error: Disk full (/tmp/#sql_1e4705_0.MAI); waiting for someone to free some space... (errno: 28 "No space left on device")
Query: SELECT e.*,tt.startDate,tt.endDate, tt.doorsOpen FROM cms_mod_calendar_event e,cms_mod_calendar_event_timetable tt,cms_mod_calendar_group_event ge,cms_mod_calendar_group g WHERE IN ("10") and (tt.startDate > "2021-01-29 10:00:00" OR (tt.startDate = "2021-01-29 10:00:00" AND>"3863")) and tt.eventID = AND ge.eventID = and ge.groupID = AND (g.siteID="11" OR (g.siteID!="11" AND e.isPrivate="0" AND g.isGlobal="1")) AND g.deleted="0" AND e.deleted ="0" and e.hidden="0" AND != "3863" ORDER BY tt.startDate ASC, ASC limit 1
Location: /data/home/emuweb/www/module/calendar/calendarFull.php:Line 74

Doktorantide konverents II

Algus kell: 10:00
Lõpp kell: 15:40


Doctoral Students' Annual Conference on January 29, 2021, BBB web room


10.00–10.20 KRISTI KERNER „Effect of the addition of hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) protein and sweet grass (Hierochloe odorata L.) extract on the quality of pork patties“

10.25–10.45 MARJU SAMMUL Antibiotic treatment in Estonian dairy herds – frequent diagnoses and their treatment preferences

10.50–11.10 KRISTEL PEETSALU Effect of colostrum intake to the acute phase response in neonatal dairy calves

11.15–11.35 SIRJE JALAKAS PAHs in food

11.40–12.00 ALFONSO DIAZ-SUAREZ „DNA-based methods for the estimation of effective spawner abundance focusing on Norther pike in coastal Baltic Sea“

12.05–12.25 REET HERM Gone with the wind: Investigating tabanid-wild boar contact in wild boar natural habitats in Estonia

12.30–12.50 MONICA NABIL GAYED IBRAHIM The prospective industrial application of Beta-glucan in the production of healthy food products

12.50–13.15: BREAK

13.15–13.35 VILMA TATAR Milk composition of Lacaune ewes and effect of lactation stage

13.40–14.00 LIDIIA MOSKALENKO Acceptability of the African Swine Fever (ASF) control measures among pig farmers – a participatory approach“

14.05–14.25 MARINA LOCH Neonatal acute phase proteins' effects on first lactation performance of dairy cows

14.30–14.50 ULRIKA TUPPITS Endomteritis in mares after insemination with frozen-thawed semen

14.55–15.15 VARPO VARE „Effect of feeding reduced crude protein diets on performance of weaning and finishing pigs“

15.20–15.40 ANDRES OLT Effect of bacterial inoculants on silage fermentation quality and aerobic stability