Bioohutus on Veterinaarmeditsiini ja Loomakasvatuse Instituudis oluline osa igapäevatööst ning teadus- ja õppeprotsessidest. Bioohutuse põhimõtete järgimine aitab tagada inimeste, loomade ja keskkonna turvalisuse, ennetades bioloogiliste riskide levikut ja minimeerides võimalikke ohte.
Instituut panustab kaasaegsete bioohutust tagavate meetmete rakendamisse nii uurimisasutustes kui ka praktilises veterinaartöös, lähtudes rahvusvahelistest standarditest ja parimatest praktikatest.
Loe täpsemalt bioohutuse põhimõtetest ja nõuetest
Kinnitatud instituudi direktori 11. juuli 2018. a korraldusega nr 1-9.VL/15
Established by the Order of the Director of the Institute 1-9.VL/15 of 2.07.2018
Laboratory waste handling
Jäätmete käitluse juhend loomakliinikuslink opens in new page
Koostaja: Ave-Ly Toomvap, Eda Leola, Silva Tedrema; koostamise kuupäev: 16.04.2014; 11.10.2022.
Waste management in the Animal Cliniclink opens in new page
Compiled by: Ave-Ly Toomvap, Eda Leola, Silva Tedrema; date of compilation: 16.04.2014; 11.10.2022
Updated: 08.03.2023
The purpose of these guidelines is to establish regulations for the classification, collection, and handling of laboratory waste in the Joint Clinical Veterinary Laboratory and in the laboratories of the Chair of Veterinary Biomedicine and Food Hygiene at Kreutzwaldi 62 at the Institute of Veterinary Medicine and Animal Science of the Estonian University of Life Sciences (EMÜ).
Employees conducting analyses in the laboratory and the heads of laboratories and research groups (principal investigators) overseeing compliance are responsible for adhering to the rules set forth in these guidelines.
Laboratory waste from facilities involved in the investigation of animal diseases falls under code 18 02 as defined by the Minister of the Environment Regulation No. 70 (, The classification of waste and the waste list.
Code 18 02 — waste generated in human and animal healthcare or related research.
The classification of waste in this quality manual is based on waste type and primary disposal method. The classification structure by waste type is consistent across all sections.
1.1. Materials and Equipment
Waste generated from laboratory examinations includes:
1.2. Used Media, Culture Environments, and Cultures
1.3. Sample Residues
Residual waste from materials (samples) submitted for laboratory analysis:
1.4. Non-Hazardous Chemical Waste
1.5. Hazardous Chemical Waste
All chemicals labeled as toxic or environmentally hazardous, such as:
2. Waste Collection, Storage, and Disposal at the Source
2.1. Materials and Equipment
2.2. Media, Culture Environments, and Cultures
2.3. Sample Residues
Residues from microbiological, parasitological, serological, hematological, and biochemical analyzes are autoclaved together with test tubes and then disposed of as regular waste.
Residues from parasitological analyzes are packaged and handled like tissue and organ samples (see previous subsection). Residues from microbiological and virological investigations are autoclaved and then disposed of as regular waste.
Residues are autoclaved together with test tubes and then disposed of as regular waste.
2.4. Non-Hazardous Chemical Waste
2.5. Hazardous Chemical Waste
3. Waste Disposal
3.1. Materials and Equipment
3.2. Media, Culture Environments, and Cultures
3.3. Sample Residues
Packaged, labeled, and stored in the crematorium cold chamber, these samples are collected by the AS Vireen (Väike-Maarja animal waste treatment plant) collection vehicle under an contract with EMÜ. Transport is arranged on order basis.
3.4. Non-Hazardous Liquid Waste
3.5. Hazardous Chemicals
References: Waste Classification and List of Wastes. Minister of the Environment Regulation No. 70, adopted 14.12.2015, published in Riigi Teataja I 18.12.2015, 14 (