Johanna Piibori doktoritöö “Proteome profile of bovine uterine extracellular vesicles during the oestrous cycle and in endometritis“
Algus: 03.12.2024 10:00
Kreutzwaldi 62 a124
3. detsembril 2024 algusega 10.00 toimub Kreutzwaldi 62 auditooriumis A-124 (koos võimalusega osaleda BBB veebiruumi kaudu) Johanna Piibori doktoritöö “Proteome profile of bovine uterine extracellular vesicles during the oestrous cycle and in endometritis“ („Lehma emaka ekstratsellulaarsete vesiikulite proteoomiprofiil innatsükli vältel ja endometriidi puhul“) kaitsmine.
Juhendaja: professor Andres Valdmann
Oponent: professor Niamh Forde (Leedsi Ülikooli, Suurbritannia)
The defence of the doctoral thesis of Johanna Piibor “Proteome profile of bovine uterine extracellular vesicles during the oestrous cycle and in endometritis“ will take place on December 3, 2024 at 10.00 in the auditorium A-124, Kreutzwaldi 62 (with the possibility to participate via BBB online room
Supervisor: Professor Andres Valdmann
Opponent: Professor Niamh Forde (University of Leeds, United Kingdom)
Kaitsmiskomisjoni nimel/ On behalf of the Defence Committee
Andres Aland