Food Hygiene and Safety Division

The Food Hygiene and Safety Division, part of the Chair of Veterinary Biomedicine and Food Hygiene at the Estonian University of Life Sciences, is a competence center in food hygiene and safety in Estonia.

Our mission is to ensure safe and high-quality food in line with the One Health principles.

We create and share knowledge that helps ensure food safety and quality at the stages of food production, processing, and consumption. To achieve this, we conduct high-quality teaching, including lifelong continuing education, and internationally recognized research, collaborating with research and development institutions, laboratories, national food safety organizations, and food production companies.

Our goal is to provide internationally recognized education, development, and research in food hygiene and safety.

Introduction to the Food Hygiene and Safety Division


Teaching takes place in the following areas at the Food Hygiene and Safety Division:

  • Food and Production Hygiene and Veterinary Public Health: food hygiene, food safety, food safety regulations, food surveillance
  • Microbiology and Chemistry: food microbiological and chemical studies, hygiene and safety of animal and plant products, environmental hygiene
  • Risk Assessment: food safety risk assessments
  • Food Safety Management Systems: prerequisite programs, HACCP, ISO 22000, etc.
  • Meat Inspection: welfare of slaughter animals, meat inspection, and official food control in veterinary supervision
  • Toxicology: food and environmental toxicology
  • Molecular Biology: animal biology, cell and molecular biology, genome-based studies
  • Nutritional Science: human nutrition education

CodeCourses listLecturer(s)Credits (ECTS)Note
VL.1166*Basics of veterinary public health and food hygieneMati Roasto4VM, 3rd year
VL.1168*Food production hygieneMati Roasto6VM, 5th year,
VL.0434* Meat inspectionTerje Elias5VM, 5th year,
VL.1162*Technology, safety and quality of meat productsTerje Elias4VM, 5th year, e-course
VL.1025*Quality and safety of milk and dairy productsKadrin Meremäe5VM, 5th year, e-course
VL.1299*Environmental and food toxicologyTõnu Püssa3VM 2. kursus
VL.1250Food production hygiene and surveillanceMati Roasto4PT-TA Master's program, PKKAm-1K
VL.1254Chemistry and functionality of food additivesTõnu Püssa2PT-LT-TA Master's program
VL.0336*Human nutritionPiret Raudsepp4VM, 6th year, elective course
VL.0833Practical training in meat inspectionMati Roasto, Terje Elias2In the meat industry
VL.0567*Cell and molecular biologyMerike Lillenberg3VM, 1st year
VL.0607*Animal ecologyMerike Lillenberg3VM, 1st year, elective course
VL.0538**Animal welfare assessment in veterinary surveillanceTerje Elias3VM, 6th year
VL.0074**Quality and safety of organic foodElen Peetsmann2VM, 6th year
VL.1344**Food microbiotaKadrin Meremäe6VM, 6th year
VL.1351**Food technology in food surveillanceKatrin Laikoja6VM, 6th year
VL.1354**Case studies in food safetyMati Roasto, Terje Elias4VM, 6th year
VL.0287**The principles and methods of risk assessment in food safetyMihkel Mäesaar6VM, 6th year
VL.0317**Food legislationKatrin Laikoja3VM, 6th year
VL.1159Food related myths and realityKatrin Laikoja etc3E-course, elective course
VL. 1240Human hygiene and healthKadrin Meremäe3E-course, elective course
VL.1307Food safety in home kitchenKadrin Meremäe3E-course, elective course

*The course is offered in both Estonian and English.

**The course is offered in English.

Between 2005 and 2024, we have published informational materials, textbooks, books, and book chapters in both Estonian and English. The list can be found here:

Topic of the Doctoral ThesisDoctoral StudentSupervisors
Safety and quality of plant-based animal product alternatives and high-risk plant-based productsTiina MandelMihkel Mäesaar, Mati Roasto, Mari Reinik
Mechanisms of plant derived antioxidants in foods of animal originAlar SünterTõnu Püssa, Piret Raudsepp
Listeria monocytogenes in ready-to-eat food and antimicrobial effect of plant additives in meat productsJulia KoskarMati Roasto, Kadrin Meremäe, Mihkel Mäesaar
Food processing related chemical hazards - nitrite, polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, acrylamides and furane and related healthSirje JalakasTerje Elias, Eha Nurk


Triin Tedersoo


2024Campylobacter spp. in fresh broiler chicken meat and pig caecal samples in EstoniaAssoc. Prof. Kadrin Meremäe, Prof. Mati RoastoProf. Marcel Zwietering, Wageningen University & Research, The Netherlands
Mihkel Mäesaar2022Prevalence and counts of Listeria monocytogenes and Campylobacter spp. in food and molecular characterisation of the isolates in EstoniaProf. Mati RoastoDr. Eva Møller Nielsen, Statens Serum Institut, Denmark
Piret Raudsepp2021Polyphenolic composition of rhubarb (Rheum rhaponticum L.) and blackcurrant (Ribes nigrum L.), antibacterial and free radical scavening properties of these plants in comparison with some other food plantsProf. Tõnu Püssa, Dr. Ave KikasProf. Baoru Yang, University of Turku, Finland
Merike Lillenberg2011Residues of some pharmaceuticals in sewage sludge in Estonia, their stability in the environment and accumulation into food plants via fertilizing


Prof. Lembit Nei, Prof. Kalev Sepp

Prof. Sergey V. Mikhalovsky, University of Brighton, UK.
Terje Elias2010Nitrate and nitrite contents in vegetables and vegetable-based foods, transformation dynamics and dietary IntakeAssoc. Prof. emeritus Alida Kiis, Prof. Tõnu Püssa, Prof. Mati RoastoProf. dr hab. Ewa Ciešlik, University of Agriculture in Krakow, Poland.
Kadrin Meremäe2010Campylobacter spp. in Estonian broiler chicken production chain and the co-effect of pro- and prebiotics on the Campylobacter spp. strains in vitroAssoc. Prof. Priit Elias, Assoc. Prof. Mati RoastoDr. Hanne Rosenquist, Technical University of Denmark, and Head of Danish Zoonosis Centre, Denmark
Mati Roasto2008Campylobacter spp. in poultry and raw poultry meat products in Estonia with special reference to subtyping and antmicrobial susceptibility

Prof. Marja-Liisa Hänninen, Prof. Ari Hörman, Assoc. Prof. Priit Elias



Prof. Eva Olsson Engvall, Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SLU, Sweden


Training courses offered by the Food Hygiene and –Safety Divisiony:

  • Food hygiene and safety, basic course.
  • Food hygiene, mid-level course.
  • Food hygiene and self-control in small-scale and private establishments.
  • Ensuring food production hygiene.
  • Sampling of the production environment for detection of pathogens and monitoring of the general hygiene
  • Principles and methods of sampling of the production environment.
  • Establishing of self-control systems and auditing.
  • Prerequisite programs and food safety management systems.
  • Transport of farm animals following animal protection requirements.
  • Control of food allergens.
  • Sanitary and hygiene course for hunters.
  • Meat hygiene and inspection.
  • The safety of meat and meat products and production hygiene.
  • The safety of fish and fish products and production hygiene.
  • Durability studies and determination of food shelf-life.
  • Chemical hazards in food.
  • Essential foodborne pathogens: transmission routes, growth, control and health risks.
  • The control of Listeria monocytogenes in food production.
  • Food additives.
  • Plant endogenous toxicants/poisons.
  • Plant origin feed and food toxicants/poisons.

Don't hesitate to contact the Open University of the Estonian University of Life Sciences for inquiries about training courses.

Research work

Our applied research focuses on:

  • Microbiological Food Safety: We focus on foodborne pathogens of public health importance (e.g., Campylobacter spp., Listeria monocytogenes, Salmonella enterica, etc.), including molecular epidemiology and antimicrobial resistance studies. We also collaborate with the field of human medicine to investigate the causes of foodborne diseases.
  • Safety and Quality of High-Risk Plant-Based Foods and Meat Alternatives: We assess the microbiological and chemical safety factors and quality of alternative products.
  • Chemical Food Safety: We evaluate the levels of nitrites, nitrates, acrylamide, and furan in food and their potential bioavailability and impact on public health.

Our fundamental research focuses on:

  • Mechanisms of Spoilage Processes in Animal-Derived Foods: We study the intensity and integrated mechanisms of autolytic, microbial, and oxidative processes to develop effective control methods. We focus on the inhibitory and/or promoting effects of natural bioactive compounds in these processes, analyzing their actions or interactions. We use LC-MS/MS-based methods to discover natural compounds and identify suitable plants.
  • Methods for Determining Freshness of Meat and Fish: In collaboration with AS Ldiamon, we are developing an innovative Time-method for assessing the freshness of meat and fish, based on the measurement of ATP autolysis products.

Food Hygiene and Safety Division conducts internationally recognized research and development work in the fields of food hygiene and safety.

The academic staff of the Unit of Food Hygiene and Safety:

  • Provides expert opinions and informational materials related to the field;
  • Participates in oral presentations at seminars and scientific-practical conferences on food hygiene and safety;
  • Tenured professor in food hygiene, Mati Roasto, represents Estonia as a member of EFSA's Biological Hazards Commission (BIOHAZ-MRA) network;
  • Engages in food safety communication through various media platforms to raise public awareness and highlight key aspects of food safety, aiming to prevent or minimize health risks associated with food.

Research services:

  • Expert opinions in food hygiene and safety.
  • Consultation services in food microbiological and chemical safety/quality.
  • Basic and applied research in food hygiene and –safety.
  • Foodborne pathogens (L. monocytogenes, Campylobacter spp., Salmonella spp.) related expertise and studies including molecular genomics.

NameFunding periodsPrincipal investigator: Funder
TEM-TA52 Safety and quality of high-risk plant-based foods and meat alternatives01.09.2024–29.02.2028Mati RoastoEstonian Research Council
PRG1441 Effects and mechanisms of plant bioactive substances in foods of animal origin01.01.2022–31.12.2026Mati RoastoEstonian Research Council

Project introduction of TEM-TA52

The selection and consumption of plant-based foods, including meat alternatives, is growing rapidly, but their microbiological and chemical safety has been poorly studied worldwide. This project focuses on assessing the safety and quality of high-risk plant-based foods in Estonia.

Main activities:

  • Defining typical products and risk categories.
  • Analyzing microbiological safety and quality, as well as conducting risk assessments.
  • Conducting molecular biology and antibiotic resistance studies.
  • Analyzing chemical safety: mycotoxins, toxic alkaloids, ATP breakdown products, and oxidation parameters.

The project aims to clarify:

  • Microbiological safety and quality of animal food alternatives.
  • Chemical safety and quality of animal food alternatives.
  • Microbiological safety and quality of plant-based ready meals.
  • Chemical safety and quality of plant-based ready meals.
  • Public health risks associated with the consumption of these food groups.


The project partner is the State Laboratory Research and Risk Assessment Center (LABRIS).


The research results will help assess public health risks and support the development of preventive and control measures at both the company and national institutional levels.

Project introduction of PRG1441

The project focuses on investigating the antioxidant, anti-autolytic, and antimicrobial properties of plant-based substances to create optimized blends that inhibit the oxidation of polyunsaturated fatty acids and proteins in meat and fish matrices. Additionally, the impact of these blends on the growth of spoilage and pathogenic microbiota is evaluated.

More detailed information can be found here:

ItemsFunding periodsPrincipal investigatorFunder
V190115VLTR Risk-based meat inspection and integrated meat safety assurance4.03.2019−3.03.2023Mati RoastoCOST Office
RESTA14 Utilization of bioactive components of production residues of plant foods for increasing of durability and healthiness of animal food and for valorization of animal origin food1.01.2021−31.01.2023Reelika RätsepEstonian Research Council
VX190019SPTA Transnational Quality Education for Organic Food Safety1.12.2020−28.02.2023Elen PeetsmannEuropean Commission
L190172VLKM Routs for development and spread of antibiotic resistance and resistance containment measures1.07.2019−30.06.2022Piret KalmusEstonian Research Council
P180279VLTR The antimicrobial effect of natural bioactive substances in food1.01.2019−31.12.2021Mati RoastoEstonian University of Life Sciences
L200072VLVB Salmonella control program - updating of measures1.12.2020−30.12.2021Arvo ViltropMinistry of Rural Affairs
6-34/30-1 Terminitöö, terminiõpe ja eesti teaduskeele populariseerimine veterinaaria ja loomakasvatuse ning toiduohutuse, loomatervise ja loomade heaolu riskihindamise valdkonnas2.07.2020−25.01.2021Ülle SihverInstitute of the Estonian Language
MEMRUP50 Analysis of the sugar content of certain vegetable varieties to evaluate the potential of acrylamide formation during their processing1.01.2018−31.12.2019Terje EliasMinistry of Rural Affairs
P170054VLTH Food plant metabolomics - intensity and mechanisms of antioxidant and antibacterial effect of secondary metabolites1.01.2017−31.12.2018Mati RoastoMinistry of Education and Research
PM170159VLTH Toidu keemilise ohutuse uurimissuuna ning töögrupi arendamine Eesti Maaülikoolis. Inimorganismile mutageensete, teratogeensete ja kantserogeensete ühendite uurimine toidus ning saadavuse hinnangud lastele1.05.2017−31.12.2018Mati RoastoEstonian University of Life Sciences
8-2/T15024VLTH Sustainable plant ingredients for healthier meat products - proof of concepts2.03.2015−2.04.2018Tõnu PüssaMinistry of Agriculture
8M160198VLTH Molecular epidemiology of Listeria monocytogenes and Campylobacter spp. in Estonian food chain1.11.2016−28.02.2017Mati RoastoEstonian University of Life Sciences
8-2/T13001PKTM From soil to crop: quality indicators of soil, plant production and crop in different farming systems1.01.2013−31.12.2016Evelin LoitMinistry of Education and Research
8-2/T15088VLTH Quantitative risk assessment of nitrite (E 249-250) in food1.08.2015−2.05.2016Terje EliasMinistry of Agriculture
ETF9315 Food safety risk assessment of Campylobacter spp., Listeria monocytogenes and verotoxigenic E. coli in Estonia1.01.2012−31.12.2015Mati RoastoEstonian Research Council
8-2/T15087VLTH Acrylamide in food1.08.2015−1.12.2015Mati RoastoMinistry of Agriculture

Between 2005 and 2024, we have published a substantial number of scientific publications, primarily 1.1 category articles (indexed by Thomson Reuters Web of Science) in international scientific journals. The list can be found here:

The Food Hygiene and Safety Division maintains close collaboration with both other Chairs of the Estonian University of Life Sciences and international partners:

  • Within the Estonian University of Life Sciences: Cooperation with the Polli Horticultural Research Centre, the Chair of Food Science and Food Technology (e.g., projects SUSMEATPRO and RESTA 14), and Research Centre of Organic Farming.
  • In Estonia: Collaboration with various institutes of the University of Tartu, OÜ BioCC, and the State Laboratory Research and Risk Assessment Center (LABRIS), as well as national food safety institutions and others.
  • Internationally: Our partners include various institutes of the University of Helsinki, the Latvia University of Life Sciences, and the Natural Resources Institute Finland (LUKE).
Toiduhügieeni töörühm
Toiduhügieeni töörühm

Additional Information and Contact

Mati Roasto

Tenure-track Professor

Veterinaarmeditsiini ja loomakasvatuse instituut

Chair of Veterinary Biomedicine and Food Hygiene

+372 731 3433

+372 731 3433